One of the most common questions out there is how thick our leather holsters?
The thickness of leather is commonly referred to in ounces. To keep it simple, 1 oz of leather is 1/64 inch thick. It is that simple. So using that information, you can estimate how thick your holster will be. Lets take a common outside the waistband (OWB) holster.
OWBs are a common holster for carry. They are comfortable and reliable. These types of holsters are normally used for heavier and/or larger handguns though you will see smaller handguns using these type of holsters. Typically these are made from 8-10 oz leather depending on the size and weight of the firearm. With the information that you now have, we can easily figure out the thickness of the leather used: 8 oz x 2 (front and back panel) = 1/4". Now remember, you also need to take into account the thickness of your firearm. Revolvers will be thicker than Autos.
I hope this helps you when deciding on the type of holster and firearm you wish to carry.
Be blogging at you soon.